Is your favourite colour blue?Do you always tell the truth?Do you believe in outerspace? And im learning you..Is your skin as tanned as mine?Does your hair flow sideways?Did someone took a portion of your heart?And im learning you..And if you don't mind Can you tell me,All your hopes and fears and Everything that you believe in,Would you make a difference in the world I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation,Only you can make me,I let my guard down for you,And in time you will too ,If you don't mind Can you tell me,All your hopes and fears and Everything that you believe in,Would you make a difference in the world,I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation

Only you can make me.....

Yunalis Zarai

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hye dunia baru aku masih baru masih tak ingat jalan...kadang2 salah naek bas..
hai la dunia baruku....boring nye aku dengan dunia baruku...semuanya baru..kene cari kawan baru,tmpat tinggal baru....

Semoga nanti dunia baruku akan...
>ketawa macam dulu..
>meriah macam dulu..
>ceria macam dulu..
>disekelilingku ada kawan2 yang macam dulu..
>enjoy macam dulu..

hurm...rindu masa duluku...
